We manufacture them by hand one by one.

We manufacture them by hand one by one.
Let us start with its name: Dahu is the name of a mythological animal known to the populations of mountain areas. As a characteristic, it has two shorter paws on one side, a clear adaptation to steep mountain slopes. Mountains are our territory, and Dahu is the ideal vehicle for uphill, balanced for downhill, fun for those who are used to the speed of a motorcycle but also wish to reach their destination by pedalling, and not only in the mountains. In fact, Dahu is our first street legal model. Our history in the racing world of motorcycles and cars was the starting point to create a homologated version, allowing the use of our Motobike also on the road!
With its 4,000 W SEM engine, you immediately feel the power and stability of a motorcycle with the weight and handling of a bicycle. You can use it as an e-bike, through a pedal-assist system (PAS) distributed over the first 6 settings. From PAS n° 4, it is possible to use both throttle and pedal assist together. However, only with the last three settings, where pedal assist is off, can "the mythological animal" break free. Actually, it turns into a motorcycle!
The dual-transmission system makes the engine independent of the conventional transmission and allows it to cope with any riding situation: from the most technical climbs to the narrowest crossings over to the most difficult obstacles. The result? Experience the same adrenaline and excitement of downhill riding even on climbs up to 60%.